We are all just... Seeking Solidity.

We are all just... Seeking Solidity.

Hi, I am Brianna! The Founder of Seeking Solidity LLC. I am a mother to 3 of the most amazing, crazy kiddos. (I think we all think that about our kids. Haha.)

My unique journey led to me founding Seeking Solidity LLC. After enduring more than most but not as bad as others, I decided something needed to be done. From trauma to abuse to abandonment.. you name it, I have been there so you are not alone! I’ve walked along side some of the strongest people I know who have stories just like mine.. and probably yours if you are here. Some way worse, some not as severe. But that’s only if you ask me my perception because we are all built different and have different views.

I had my son at 14 years old and set out on the journey of life or healing? Truthfully it was both. I created this healing store because no matter what you go through in life, you must take care of yourself. To be the best you for you.. or anybody else for that matter.

Mental health is under talked about and under resourced.

We can acknowledge that traumatic events can change someone drastically and without the proper treatment, some people don’t recover. Trauma? Define it. You can’t. What’s traumatic to you may not be to someone else but, the truth is, we have all been through something traumatic at one point or another.

We live in a generation where trauma is normalized or hidden to protect images. Yet, therapy and the treatments that do have long term results have a negative stigma attached or are practically inaccessible. I myself sought therapy last year. I was at my lowest. I knew what it felt like for people “to be better off without me.” The icing on the cake. A year full of death, losses.. devastation. I was defeated.

But, I looked at my children and I knew that I had to do something.

I started with my doctor. And, the pills, they helped mask it. They helped me make it by but it didn’t actually solve the problem. Then I was referred to Kristen, my first good talk therapist. (I had a bad experience at 15 with one.) She moved, but she was the OG. As in anything though, unfortunately you won’t be a match with just anyone and there are people out there that are just in it for the money. But, once you do meet your match and you mix that with the determination to change where you’re at… healing comes naturally.

Some people you just can’t save. There are many that you can. But, regardless, it must start with you.

How can you help others if you can’t help yourself? How can you love someone or be loved if you don’t even love yourself? How can you save the people you love if you can’t save yourself? How can you recognize that someone doesn’t want to be saved? Or that they treat you bad... if that’s your normal and what you've become accustomed to? How do you put yourself first when you don’t know who you are anymore? Or you just weren’t fortunate to receive knowledge or guidance with the tools of life? Cycles.

Regardless of reason, it's never too late to heal from the things that bind us. Be kind to yourself. After all, most of us are just Seeking Solidity.

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